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Brooke A Smith - Forensic Genealogist

As a Genealogist with a forensic investigative background, it is this background that provides the framework for how the genealogical research I undertake is carried out, and it is through this website that I hope to share some of those techniques with you as they specifically relate to the genealogical research process. My belief has always been that the aim of genealogical research is not only to identify ancestors, which includes where and how they lived, and correctly place them within their family tree, but to share that research and any methods of undertaking research that may assist others in achieving that same aim.

My forensic investigative background spans almost 30 years in law enforcement and investigation with the New South Wales (Australia) Police Force, where I gained experience in the investigation of major crime, including homicides. Through this experience comes knowledge of evidence preparation, analysis and interpretation, and includes the preparation of statements and affidavits for presentation as evidence in the Local, District and Supreme Courts of New South Wales.

I hold the following tertiary-level educational qualifications:

  • Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology) – University of Western Sydney
  • Graduate Certificate in Management Psychology – Charles Sturt University
  • Certificate in Forensic Medicine and Crime Scene Investigation – Medical Register of Australia
  • Graduate Diploma in Local, Family and Applied History – University of New England.

These are all Australian-based educational qualifications and, in terms of genealogical and historical research in general, my area of interests are Colonial Australia, Genetic Genealogy and Genealogical Methodology.

I currently hold membership with the following organisations:

  • Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
  • Australian National Maritime Museum
  • Don Dorrigo and Guy Fawkes Historical Society
  • Fellowship of First Fleeters
  • International Police Association (IPA)
  • John and Mary Small Descendants Association
  • National Genealogical Society (NGS)
  • Society of Australian Genealogists (SAG)
  • Sydney Living Museums

National Genealogical Society Member

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